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German Federal Ministry of Education and Research recognizes IAMO's successful projects in Central Asia

30 June 2020

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has been recognizing several of IAMO's Central Asia group's projects as examplary cases of successful cross-country research. for BMBF-funded international scientific cooperation.

The two network projects AGRIWANET (Agricultural Restructuring, Water Scarcity and the Adaptation to Climate Change in Central Asia: A Five-Country Study) and ANICANET (Revitalising animal husbandry in Central Asia: A five-country analysis) aimed at gaining empirically founded insights into strategies stimulating agricultural development in the region by investigating the complex relationships between land reforms, water availability and land management. BMBF recognized that the project added value to international cooperation by providing a network for scientific exchange between researchers from all five Central Asian countries. To improve analytical capacity and policy relevance within the CA region, the projects offered training workshops for young scientists, coordinated several country studies and consolidated a database on agricultural development indicators in the region.

The implementation project KlimALEZ (Increasing climate resilience via agricultural insurance) is part of the funding measure of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project’s overarching goal is to strengthen the resilience of Central Asia’s agricultural sector by innovative insurance markets against climatic risks, in particular drought, in several Central Asian countries. In the scope of the project, IAMO researchers have successfully supported the launch of Mongolia’s first index insurance product for wheat growers. Since 2017, the KlimALEZ team has been advising the Ministry of Agriculture and the insurance company Mongolian Re in cooperation with German-Mongolian Cooperation Project for Sustainable Agriculture (DMKNL). With this policy advice, the team was responding to the interest of the Mongolian Ministry of Agriculture.

For more information please follow the links below:

Review of the AGRIWANET and ANICANET projects by Internationales Büro (German only).

Report on KlimALEZ S2B transfer by FONA-Office BMBF (German only)